Most of the times, we always seek for the best. One that will satisfy mostly on the standard of our wants and not into our needs. Maybe it's a human nature that when we choose something or someone, we always make sure that we take the best and if it doesn't work- we take the second option.
Just this lazy Saturday afternoon, I went to the kitchen to find some thing to eat but since I've just eaten my lunch, I looked at the available fruits on the fridge's door where oranges and an apple nestled. At sight, my saliva ran on my tongue while thinking about the sweet pulp of oranges until my hand grabbed one fruit below -the apple.
While I was comfortably sitting on my couch, I looked at the apple on my hand thinking
"why I chose it despite that it was my second option?"
and an idea popped up in my head.
Commonly, second option is always taken for granted when someone claims that he has a better fish to fry, a person who could actually supplement the things what the second option doesn't have.
Admit it or not, I still believe that many of us give the first chair to the person who is pleasing and good-looking in our eyes and we just give a so-so attention to the second one. It might not be our intention to be prejudice but we are honestly doing it. We are clouded by our norms of fancy without thinking that there is also someone out there waiting to prove him\herself to us- a person who has unique and better personality than the first option. I am not saying that after I write this entry, I will be fair to all the people around me, I just realized that we should not only see the beauty of our second option after we messed-up with our first one.

Finally I took my first bite and juices dripped off. I enjoyed licking them. Another bite and the taste became sweeter. See- second option is not totally bad. (try)